What is your advice for your students who want to get plastic surgery?
At first glance, we have a tendency to be attracted by the pretty and the handsome. But I think the beautiful is better than the pretty. The graceful is better than the buautiful, and the kind is better than the graceful. So I want to advise my students that they should put emphasis on being a graceful and kind person before getting plastic surgery.
Hi Saint,
Great topic! I think that you are right about how beauty is viewed by our society. I also think that we can change that through media. If you watch TV from Korea, all the 'good' characters are beautiful. It's the same from North America but if you watch TV fromt eh UK, you'll see average people. I think that this teaches young people how to react to beauty and how to judge beauty.
Hi, Saint.
I totally agree with you.There must be something more in unvisible things than in visible things. And we can know well the person not from appearance but from impression.
'Beauty is truth, truth is beauty.' Everyone praises beauty and also we are attracted to beautiful things. Why not? Most male insects are inclined to have relations with beautiful female insects, and vice versa. To be beautiful is a natural instinct, I think. If safety and lasting beauty is guaranted, pastic surgery will be a good way to satisfy one's unsatisfaction about one's appearance...
Hi, Saint~*^^*~
I was so happy to have been with you in elective courses so far. I was really impressed at your big vocabulary and modesty in being all ears to others and showing positive responses. I hope I will have another chance to be in the same classes later^^
Actually I have a lot of interest in plastic surgery, even though I'm very negative about it. ^^;;; What a contradiction!!! Maybe it shows that I have plenty of complexes about my appearance^^. But anyway don't worry. I have a big fear about p/s, so I might not get it ^^. As for my students, if she wants p/s, at first I'll try to let her perceive her real value and not put much importance on appearance itself. However, if she is suffering from much inferiority in a certain part of her body and that kind of bad effect is hurting her, I'll not insist that she just endure it. It would be better for her to get a p/s for her desirable and normal mental growth^^
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