I enjoy reading thriller books. I don't get anything instructive and useful in life from them, but reading those kinds of books is good because it's fun and I can keep studying English without being bored.
Tom Clancy is my most favorite writer. Maybe he is most popular in America for his war and spy novels. Can you believe that it takes me only 3 or 4 days to finish his 400 0r 500 page book? It's really thrilling and astonishing!
Enjoying reading!
My favorite writer is Gim Yong, a Chinese novelist. His three series of Heroic Stories are very interesting. I searched the Internet if there is English version of his works, but I couldn't find them.
Hi, Saint!
One of my favourite novel is Anne Of Green Gables. The authur of Anne of Green Gables is a Cadadian woman,R.M Montgomery, who wrote a novel from her memos written in her childhood. I like this kind of novels.This book has a beautiful scenery in it. There are streams around the green roofed house, streets with beautiful cherry trees and rampid river.
I like the personality of Anne Serly. She is imaginative, cheerful, and strong.I want to resemble her. I feel my minds are really pured when I read it
Hi saint! Thank you for your kind comment, I will give it a thought, seriously..
My favorite writer is Park Kyoug Li. I first read her novel, Toji, when I was 17years old and I was totally overwhelmed by its big scale and full of vivid decriptions. I heard that she fell down this morning because of a stroke so I hope she will get over it soon....
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