Here is my question:
If you were chairman of IOC and many countries would'n take part in the Olympic Games because of the political reasons, what advices would you like to give the heads of the countries?
If I were Chairman, I would first meet the head of China and ask him pull their troops out of Tibet. I would like to persuade him to wait until the end of the games because the Olympic Games must mean peace and harmony. After that, I would like to give messages that all nations should participate in it because it should not have any political intentions under any circumstances.
Hello! Saint
Yes, I know it's a big issue in Chian, even in the world before China is hosted the Olympic Games.
I don't know much about the history between China and Tibet, but but it seems that there is something wrong with them. I knew one New Zealaner whose husband is Tibetian. Her husband has a really sad story about his family, which is that his parents and sibleings were killed by Chinese soldiers.
It took place many years ago. Only he survived from that terrible attack. So I wonder why China is trying to surrend good Tibetians. They look very peaceful and sagacious. They were never overwhelmed by civilization. I don't want the Olympic Games to be boycotted, but I don't want Tibet to be conquered by Chian much more. So if the Olympci committee cannot do that, global citizens have to boycott China.
Hi Saint,
This is a very complex question. I think that public pressure is the only weapon that the world has against a super power like China so I think that using the Olympic Games to show disapproval is appropriate in this situation. I would advise that every country should consider that the people in Tibet are suffering and they need us to stand up for them as they can't do it themselves.
Hi, Saint
Do you know who I am?
I'm your roomy! You are making a good blog now! Why don't you teach me how to make th blog like yours!
Let's see after class!
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